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9th ESB Family Fun Day

Throughout the Marine Corps, or pretty much all the branches end up setting up a Familiy Fun day for the unit. It is coordinated by the Family Readiness Officer to get things set up. This isn't just for the Marines whom have families or spouses. This is for every Marine in that unit, it is more to have a sort of day off because this is mandatory but to also build unit cohesion. 

As for 9th Engineer Support Battalion, our family fun day was at Oura Wan Beach on Camp Schwab, Okinawa. Which is the Northern most base on Okianwa. The beach is not that bad when the sun is out. I did not go into the water myself because I did not bring anything to swim in since I was apart of the volunteer group but heard it was warm that day from the Marines. Anyways, these mandatory fun days is good to have because it keeps the Marines whom are stuck in the barracks to keep them sane. 

There was a bouncy course for the kids and some Marines whom want to race, Corn Holes, Horse Shoes, Volleyball and Football activities. I did part take in Volleyball, just because I was challenged by my fellow junior Marines in the security platoon. 

Yet, it maybe all fun and games but you need to be careful as well. Last year they had a Marine that was stung by a Box Jellyfish but it was nothing severe. The sand is mixed with coral and broken wood that was washed up from the ocean. So if your walking barefooted just take it slow and watch were your stepping. Also, those whom are too stubborn to put sunblock end up getting burned. Even if your in the water, or moving all the time playing Volleyball. You will get burned. 

Or you will end up glowing red. Haha! At least I have all weekend to recover but it still hurts. haha. I just hope I do not start peeling. Anyways, a unit family day can be fun but at the same times it doesn't happen without an incident. Overall due to the drinking restriction we are in. Each Marine was only allowed to have 2 cans of beer, so no one got messed up. I mean I never came across one who was plastered.

MOOD- Fun, Competitive & Burned
SONG PLAYING-Starships by Nicki Minaj


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