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POEM - Oct 26, 2008

I lay here in bed,
Striking pain hitting my head.
Here I am in my underwear,
Wondering if my life will be going anywhere.

I shut my eyes,
Not to let the pain fly by.
But to wonder and think,
Am I just a straight fink?

I lay and gaze through my past life,
Knowing that one day I could of died.
Flying back and right to the future,
I see myself with her.

Her warmth of her arms embrace,
Calmed my heart that was pumping in a crazy pace.
She gently whispered into my ears,
That it is goin to be better later on the years.

I leaned my head back,
Knowing that this is a fact.
I have never been happier then I ever was,
Lighter then the clouds above us.

Flashing through the years,
Slowing down on the great things that appears.
Every place we were at was romantic,
Every time she left on that plane was dramatic.

Still flying into the future,
We were in God's nurture. 
Spending my life with her..julie,
She cleared the dark clouds at my world you see.

Suddenly I stopped, 
Two, an elderly couple walkin by the pond.
A tear drop falls down my eye,
A love that lasted through my life.

Yet, I have been pulled back into reality,
My eyes open I see the top bunk above me.
I turn to see her face on my phone,
Without her I be will alone..

And I dont want that....

oct 26, 2008    316pm


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