Two days of traveling on a plane isn't the greatest but during this time. It didn't matter, the only thing matters is getting there on time.
The travel is not always the easiest but 16 hours of two babies crying one after another and a cocky little boy. (Photo of me wrapping my head up) which shows these kids have no way of being controlled. Way too late for disciplining. It's like training a dog.
Anyways, long flights and touching down at places you grew up at or places we've never been. Flying over several different landscapes from the Alaskan mountains to the flat lands of North Carolina. Experiencing the different forms of clouds but never forgetting the reason for our travel.
(Alaska Mountains)
(North Carolina)
Our bus ride seemed to be a long ride and feeling like the bus driver was lost. Anxious to make it and not wasting another day of travel. When we arrived we were greeted by grief and sadness. There we see our father in the hospital bed. Deep breathing and anxious to get up at times. My wife was the last sibling to arrive to hold her father's hand. Never wanting to leave his side because she's been apart way too long.
(Bus ride to Milwaukee from Chicago)
We were warned about rough awakenings and our father's panic episodes of wanting to pull his IV's and tubes out and trying to get out. That night he was calm, yes he would wake up, but with the touch and the calmness voice of his daughter seemed to calm him down back to relax and sleep. Even though relaxing was way too hard for him but saving his energy to fight for another day is all that mattered to him. From my own prospective. Yes all the siblings had different ideas of ways to keep him around longer or easing him down, but cancer doesn't discriminate and life pauses for no one.
That night was calm, my wife and I were there by his side trying to stay up despite of our irregular sleep. We didn't care though, even my wife didn't care because no matter what she had time with her father. Keeping our father calm when he wakes, my wife was surprise to feel her father tightly holding her hand and at times I would too.

The morning reaches and we were glad to have made it earlier to be here by his side. If we had flown in on Saturday it would of been too late. Later that day, our father passed after being put into a change of clothes from the sweat soaked gown created by a fever. Deep down I felt like the fever was caused by the heating system but at the same time with the room filled with OG loved ones saying their prayer with doors closed. I would think that he would of had another day or two but that is something I have to let go and stop blaming that reason. He is now in a peaceful place but I know that him being with his family was the most peaceful place disregarding how they claim to be dysfunctional.
He is a good father with a strong heart. We all miss him because as days go by even I keep thinking that he's just at work and we are all waiting for him to come home, like we did before. It sucks but it hasn't hit us yet because he still lives in our hearts strong. His children and mom reliving childhood years as they laugh and cry. Remembering is the only way he still lives in our hearts and minds.
So traveling half way around the world and a quarter back doesn't seem rough anymore right?
"This world may have lost a good father but like mythology gods. They end up watching over us from above cloaked into the stars. Some may say that gods hold a certain power to be considered as gods but in the eyes of our children our parents are our gods."
"You will be missed but never forgotten."
MOOD- Anxious, Impatient & Worried
SONG PLAYING-Temporary Home by
Carrie Underwood
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