I am slowly reaching yet another fork in the road. It has been a good, rough and experience life in the Marines. Soon it will be my 9th year enlisted into this institution, and history is yet repeating for the Corps. Just like how it was before, the United States did not seem to need the Marines. They were disbanded after the signing of a treaty with Paris during April 1783 and again but failed to disband the Marines during the Civil War in June 18, 1866 - February 21, 1867. Yes, I know this time they are not disbanding it but they are cutting down troops. The smallest but yet the elite overall branch in the United States. Nothing against the other branches but they do need to think about dropping the other branches more than the Marines. Looking at this chart below as of 2010 there are:

As you can see the numbers that is shown. Why not think to keep the Marines, where it is now and start cutting down the other branches a lot more? Just to keep the military in budget than cutting the Marines. If I were the president, I would cut the other branches to keep them some what equal. I do understand there are some Marines that do need to get out butt we do keep the highest standards than the rest of the branches. Those who do not meet that, are dealt with.
Okay enough of that, I am getting off topic and probably started a controversy of what I said but like I said before I have nothing against those others who think I am stupid for blogging this. Understand though, if the military is your life. Why are you getting bothered by my blog? Shouldn't you be bothered by where this is going? Some do need to get out but those who strive and fight to stay in. Deserve to stay in the military. Anyways! Again, going out of topic. This is suppose to be about me. Haha!
Yes, the military is drawing down and yes I still want to be in but since this draw down came about. I am worried that I will not retire like I wanted because of this but it's not stopping me from doing what I need to do to get that next rank. I am just worried that, they will over look me and it's too late for me to prepare myself, if I am administratively separated from the Marines.
(PVT Valladolid, MCRD Graduation)
I do love being in the Marines ever since, I gave up my life for a challenge. Once that challenge was accomplished after boot camp. I knew this life would be for me. Throughout my time, I have been given multiple tasks to finish and I have. At the same time bonding with those who will be in it for the same reason as I am. From Private First Class to Lance Corporal it was the most active and greatest time. Always working, bitching about things but still had to do it. Later being proud of my outcome. Then being promoted Corporal and becoming a Non-Commissioned Officer... An NCO. A feeling that the Marine Corps has embedded a piece of its history in me. A title of an NCO and proud to wear that blood strip. Something that I had been waiting for but with this comes a lot of responsibility and less physical work. Junior Marines look up to you as a mentor, someone to immolate but during my time then. I could not because I was not apart of my shop for too long. Then not too long after, I was promoted a Sergeant. Telling myself that I will not leave the Marines as a Corporal and that is why I reenlisted. It would be a Sergeant or above. I have reached that point but the Marines has become a lot more competitive now then it was before when I was a Lance or below looking up to my NCO's. It was easier...more given but now. You must fight for it pretty much.

(She pinned me Sergeant)
My dream is to become a Staff Sergeant, because it holds another challenge. The ones above you require you to stick out the most. Staff Sergeant's and Corporals are the two hardest ranks. Why? because you need to Staff Sergeant's do the same but for Sergeant's and Corporals. Also, knowing that I can be on the right road of retiring out of the Marines. To tell you the truth, I do not want to leave the Marines, nor I do not really want to switch jobs or branches. It just would not be the same.
(Photos by my wife)
Going through the Marines alone is easy but going through the Marines married. Is another challenge, to solidify yourself. I have gone through rough times and caused a lot of trouble. At times, when your told to do something. There is nothing you can do but to do it. It's the life of being a Marine. Basically do what your told, without questioning. "Only for the right thing, of course." Yet, it is hard for a wife to understand sometimes but my wife does not have that problem. She only questions it when it does not make sense to her but she has been through a lot with me. My work, my stupidity, and my journey. She's always been here for me though, like I said it has been a rough road.
(She came for my Sergeants Course graduation)
Soon I will reach my fork in this journey but I will reach this point with everything I have done to get me that next rank. Now it is up to the Marines to acknowledge and see that I am striving to stay in. If I do not, it does not mean I am going to quit my life because all I do best is be a Marine. Nope, I do have priorities that I have to take care of. A wife to support, overall to keep us above water in this economy.
It would be a rough road but that's another journey. This one has not ended.... Military is in my blood...
(Staff Sergeant (Army) Simplicio Valladolid Sr, Grandpa, WWII Veteran)
"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over that great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.
When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.
Abuse no one and nothing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home." - Act of Valor
MOOD- Choices, Proud & Committed
SONG PLAYING-Hall of Fame by
The Script feat Will.i.am