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Baskin Robins: U.S.A. ➤ Japan

Baskin Robbins in Japan is way better then the Baskin Robbins in the U.S. One reason is because of the Japanese creativity. They take their time to put these creative concoction together. Bringing out the smile out of the youngest child to the eldest person in line receiving their ice cream.

For some reason the Ice Cream overall here in Japan have been our many firsts. I have never heard nor tasted such flavors during my whole life in the U.S. but I do understand that maybe Baskin Robbins in an international way have different flavors from other countries. Yet, Okinawa, Japan has the best flavors.

 Look What I found, An Easter Egg. Yet, again an awesome creative way of making customers come back. It is such a detailed artwork, inside an egg. How can they fit all that in there? 

Must try Ice Cream Flavors: Easter Egg Hunt & Popping Showers.

MOOD-Adbenturous, Tasty & Tourist


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