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Things happen for a reason...

Do you remember when you first heard the phrase, "Things happen for a reason?" And we look at them like they were crazy because we were either too young or stubborn to even care. As years, go by and decisions we make, sometimes have the tendency to make the wrong ones. Then the rarity of making the right choices comes along. Then your whole world is flipped, you stress out because you do not know where to start. You do not know where to begin because your too excited about it and you lost your train of focus. 

Overall, I am glad that two choices have finally caught up with me. Recruiting duty is not something I am looking forward to but I have to do what I have to do to pick up. As I was forced to go though the admin process. The first person told me that I could not because I did not have enough time in service but I was still required to finish the process. So then when speaking to the next level up in the process. They told me that I was not able to because I just recently got to the island but they will bring it up. Anyways, a couple of months later (today). I was told that the list came out and my name was on there. So, I had to talk to the jammer to figure things out. Hopefully they could change my class date till later. 

Second thing is that I was finally put on the list to deploy. After 8 freaking years and I was put on the last deployments of this unit. So, I was excited to go and say that I finally went. Anyways, I had 2 other chances of going but I lucked out on the first one and the second time my shop had a lack of responsibilities and forgotten me. 

Well today I have received one of those rare happenings. Already going onto dangerous places on deployment and then receiving something that could potentially boost my promotion but...but.. they may not let me do both. The chances are either taking me going on deployment or giving up my chances for my future in the Marines. 

Things happen for a reason and I believe things are going to smoothly and less stressful. I believe this year will be the milestone of change. So I am glad, my chances are at the front door and it's waiting for me to allow them in and watch the future unfold. Happier and relaxing days are near. 

MOOD-Happy, Kind of Successful & Patient
SONG PLAYING-Billionaire by Travie McCoy Feat. Bruno Mars


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