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Where is the Motivational Cadences?

(Movie: Full Metal Jacket)

From what it seems, that we have lost our motivational way in the Marines. I do not get how some Marines who have been in for a little while, do not know the simple basics that you are expected to learn. Such things as marching, cadences and hygiene. 

If you were called out to lead the platoon in a cadence run, what do you expect yourself to do? Learn some cadence songs, so that you do not look like a fool later in a Battalion run. I remember, I was always motivated to go out and lead the platoon in a cadence run. This was when I was a Private First Class (E-2) in 2005. I am pretty amazed that there are some Marines that have been in for a while and do not know anything. Even the easy and repetitiveness, "Little Yellow Birdie," or, "C-130 rollin down the strip." C'mon now! Get your ass in the game and listen to some cadences because if your expected to lead them. Your expected to know the simplest shit! 

(Motivation! *not my battalion*)

"Turn up the Volume!" because it is the only way we can determine how motivated you are! Even when you have 5 or 8 platoons trying to mute you with their high motivation. 

MOOD-Motivated, Dedicated & Disappointed
SONG PLAYING-Mama' Can't You See! by USMC Cadence


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