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9th ESB Family Fun Day


Throughout the Marine Corps, or pretty much all the branches end up setting up a Familiy Fun day for the unit. It is coordinated by the Family Readiness Officer to get things set up. This isn't just for the Marines whom have families or spouses. This is for every Marine in that unit, it is more to have a sort of day off because this is mandatory but to also build unit cohesion. 

As for 9th Engineer Support Battalion, our family fun day was at Oura Wan Beach on Camp Schwab, Okinawa. Which is the Northern most base on Okianwa. The beach is not that bad when the sun is out. I did not go into the water myself because I did not bring anything to swim in since I was apart of the volunteer group but heard it was warm that day from the Marines. Anyways, these mandatory fun days is good to have because it keeps the Marines whom are stuck in the barracks to keep them sane. 

There was a bouncy course for the kids and some Marines whom want to race, Corn Holes, Horse Shoes, Volleyball and Football activities. I did part take in Volleyball, just because I was challenged by my fellow junior Marines in the security platoon. 

Yet, it maybe all fun and games but you need to be careful as well. Last year they had a Marine that was stung by a Box Jellyfish but it was nothing severe. The sand is mixed with coral and broken wood that was washed up from the ocean. So if your walking barefooted just take it slow and watch were your stepping. Also, those whom are too stubborn to put sunblock end up getting burned. Even if your in the water, or moving all the time playing Volleyball. You will get burned. 

Or you will end up glowing red. Haha! At least I have all weekend to recover but it still hurts. haha. I just hope I do not start peeling. Anyways, a unit family day can be fun but at the same times it doesn't happen without an incident. Overall due to the drinking restriction we are in. Each Marine was only allowed to have 2 cans of beer, so no one got messed up. I mean I never came across one who was plastered.

MOOD- Fun, Competitive & Burned
SONG PLAYING-Starships by Nicki Minaj
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My upcoming fork in my journey


I am slowly reaching yet another fork in the road. It has been a good, rough and experience life in the Marines. Soon it will be my 9th year enlisted into this institution, and history is yet repeating for the Corps. Just like how it was before, the United States did not seem to need the Marines. They were disbanded after the signing of a treaty with Paris during April 1783 and again but failed to disband the Marines during the Civil War in June 18, 1866 - February 21, 1867.  Yes, I know this time they are not disbanding it but they are cutting down troops. The smallest but yet the elite overall branch in the United States. Nothing against the other branches but they do need to think about dropping the other branches more than the Marines. Looking at this chart below as of 2010 there are: 

As you can see the numbers that is shown. Why not think to keep the Marines, where it is now and start cutting down the other branches a lot more? Just to keep the military in budget than cutting the Marines. If I were the president, I would cut the other branches to keep them some what equal. I do understand there are some Marines that do need to get out butt we do keep the highest standards than the rest of the branches. Those who do not meet that, are dealt with. 

Okay enough of that, I am getting off topic and probably started a controversy of what I said but like I said before I have nothing against those others who think I am stupid for blogging this. Understand though, if the military is your life. Why are you getting bothered by my blog? Shouldn't you be bothered by where this is going? Some do need to get out but those who strive and fight to stay in. Deserve to stay in the military. Anyways! Again, going out of topic. This is suppose to be about me. Haha!

Yes, the military is drawing down and yes I still want to be in but since this draw down came about. I am worried that I will not retire like I wanted because of this but it's not stopping me from doing what I need to do to get that next rank. I am just worried that, they will over look me and it's too late for me to prepare myself, if I am administratively separated from the Marines. 

(PVT Valladolid, MCRD Graduation)

I do love being in the Marines ever since, I gave up my life for a challenge. Once that challenge was accomplished after boot camp. I knew this life would be for me. Throughout my time, I have been given multiple tasks to finish and I have. At the same time bonding with those who will be in it for the same reason as I am. From Private First Class to Lance Corporal it was the most active and greatest time. Always working, bitching about things but still had to do it. Later being proud of my outcome. Then being promoted Corporal and becoming a Non-Commissioned Officer... An NCO. A feeling that the Marine Corps has embedded a piece of its history in me. A title of an NCO and proud to wear that blood strip. Something that I had been waiting for but with this comes a lot of responsibility and less physical work. Junior Marines look up to you as a mentor, someone to immolate but during my time then. I could not because I was not apart of my shop for too long. Then not too long after, I was promoted a Sergeant. Telling myself that I will not leave the Marines as a Corporal and that is why I reenlisted. It would be a Sergeant or above. I have reached that point but the Marines has become a lot more competitive now then it was before when I was a Lance or below looking up to my NCO's. It was easier...more given but now. You must fight for it pretty much. 

(She pinned me Sergeant)

My dream is to become a Staff Sergeant, because it holds another challenge. The ones above you require you to stick out the most. Staff Sergeant's and Corporals are the two hardest ranks. Why? because you need to Staff Sergeant's do the same but for Sergeant's and Corporals. Also, knowing that I can be on the right road of retiring out of the Marines. To tell you the truth, I do not want to leave the Marines, nor I do not really want to switch jobs or branches. It just would not be the same. 

(Photos by my wife)

Going through the Marines alone is easy but going through the Marines married. Is another challenge, to solidify yourself. I have gone through rough times and caused a lot of trouble. At times, when your told to do something. There is nothing you can do but to do it. It's the life of being a Marine. Basically do what your told, without questioning. "Only for the right thing, of course." Yet, it is hard for a wife to understand sometimes but my wife does not have that problem. She only questions it when it does not make sense to her but she has been through a lot with me. My work, my stupidity, and my journey. She's always been here for me though, like I said it has been a rough road. 

(She came for my Sergeants Course graduation)

Soon I will reach my fork in this journey but I will reach this point with everything I have done to get me that next rank. Now it is up to the Marines to acknowledge and see that I am striving to stay in. If I do not, it does not mean I am going to quit my life because all I do best is be a Marine. Nope, I do have priorities that I have to take care of. A wife to support, overall to keep us above water in this economy. 

It would be a rough road but that's another journey. This one has not ended.... Military is in my blood...

(Staff Sergeant (Army) Simplicio Valladolid Sr, Grandpa, WWII Veteran)

"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over that great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none. 

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. 

Abuse no one and nothing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home." - Act of Valor

MOOD- Choices, Proud & Committed
SONG PLAYING-Hall of Fame by The Script feat Will.i.am
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The Marines Prayer


Almighty father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of thy presence and obedient to thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones and thee without shame or fear. Protect my family, give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Make me considerate of those committed to my leadership. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold. 

If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again. 

Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer. 


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Journey Home Alone and Away for 7 Months

(Milwaukee Airport)

Well time will always have a beginning and an end. This time it is my time to leave. Our journey to spend our last time with dad was worth the torture of kids crying and the long flights. Just being together with the whole family was great. Anyways, my time was up and it was time for me to depart. This time it was just going to be by myself. Which sucks, I hate leaving when I feel all settled in, especially leaving my wife.

 (Taking off from Milwaukee)

It was a rainy day and I felt sad within, I may sound too emotional but even the toughest person will feel the same as I. Many thoughts run in my head, whenever I close my eyes. Listening to music was hard as well without thinking about everything that has happened when I was there. So sleeping during the flights were difficult. Not just the only thought my father in law, my wife and the family but the thought of not making it back on time. Catching that flight to Okinawa from Seattle was on my mind. 

(Phoenix, AZ)

Throughout my flights, there is one particular religious lady that sat next to me. Throughout the flight, she kept asking questions about if I was a religious person and if things have been going the way I wanted. Since I have told her about my father in law passing and that I wont see my wife for 7 months and that I might have to purchase a ticket to Okinawa out of my own pocket if I do not get on Space A. So as we were landing, she said, "Okay Pancho, lets pray." First off I was pretty freaked out because I had my eyes closed as she held my hands and saying a prayer as we were landing but for some reason I felt really grateful of her her kindness. 

Once I landed and recieved my bag in Seattle. I rushed upstairs to get be in line for 3 hours to get put on the list. Once they got my information, I had to wait for another  4 hours for them to call out names that will be on the flight. I was the 7th person on the list.  Well 5:30am, came and they told me that all Space A passengers have been put on the flight. Alot of weight was lifted off me, and stress level became calm. Prayers from family and the lady during my Phoenix flight all worked out. I was grateful. 

(Mt. Fuji, Japan)

After staying the night at Yokota since the plane needed to be repaired, we were back in the air heading to Iwakuni which only lasted for an hour then to Okinawa. Plans never go the way you expected but I was still glad, I got onto the flight. Once I landed in Okinawa and went home. It was different, I was alone. Sadness settled in and there was not a thing that I could to be to accept it. The internet was down, So I could not use the WiFi to constantly communicate with the family back home. From time to time, I would get a good connection on my phone but not all the time. 

So, many thoughts would run in my head and most of those thoughts would be me not coming back from this deployment. I'm not sure why it pops up in my head and that feeling over comes me but it does. I do not for some reason my body seeks a calm spirituality. Is my soul preparing it automatically for this deployment? Trying to harden it and prepare it for battle? I am not sure, I have never felt like this in my whole lifetime. This is the first. 

I miss my wife.

John 16:32-33
"A time is coming and in face has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. " "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have overcome the world."

Psalm 144:1-2
"Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle; My loving kindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer; My shield and He in whom I take refuge; Who Subdues my people under me. 

Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. he will not leave you or forsake you."

MOOD- Alone, Spiritual & Weak
SONG PLAYING-Don't Give Up On Me by Jason Aldean
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Half way around the world and a quarter back.


Two days of traveling on a plane isn't the greatest but during this time. It didn't matter, the only thing matters is getting there on time.

The travel is not always the easiest but 16 hours of two babies crying one after another and a cocky little boy. (Photo of me wrapping my head up) which shows these kids have no way of being controlled. Way too late for disciplining. It's like training a dog.

Anyways, long flights and touching down at places you grew up at or places we've never been. Flying over several different landscapes from the Alaskan mountains to the flat lands of North Carolina. Experiencing the different forms of clouds but never forgetting the reason for our travel.

 (Alaska Mountains)
(North Carolina)

Our bus ride seemed to be a long ride and feeling like the bus driver was lost. Anxious to make it and not wasting another day of travel. When we arrived we were greeted by grief and sadness. There we see our father in the hospital bed. Deep breathing and anxious to get up at times. My wife was the last sibling to arrive to hold her father's hand. Never wanting to leave his side because she's been apart way too long.

(Bus ride to Milwaukee from Chicago)

We were warned about rough awakenings and our father's panic episodes of wanting to pull his IV's and tubes out and trying to get out. That night he was calm, yes he would wake up, but with the touch and the calmness voice of his daughter seemed to calm him down back to relax and sleep. Even though relaxing was way too hard for him but saving his energy to fight for another day is all that mattered to him. From my own prospective. Yes all the siblings had different ideas of ways to keep him around longer or easing him down, but cancer doesn't discriminate and life pauses for no one.

That night was calm, my wife and I were there by his side trying to stay up despite of our irregular sleep. We didn't care though, even my wife didn't care because no matter what she had time with her father. Keeping our father calm when he wakes, my wife was surprise to feel her father tightly holding her hand and at times I would too.

The morning reaches and we were glad to have made it earlier to be here by his side. If we had flown in on Saturday it would of been too late. Later that day, our father passed after being put into a change of clothes from the sweat soaked gown created by a fever. Deep down I felt like the fever was caused by the heating system but at the same time with the room filled with OG loved ones saying their prayer with doors closed. I would think that he would of had another day or two but that is something I have to let go and stop blaming that reason. He is now in a peaceful place but I know that him being with his family was the most peaceful place disregarding how they claim to be dysfunctional.

He is a good father with a strong heart. We all miss him because as days go by even I keep thinking that he's just at work and we are all waiting for him to come home, like we did before. It sucks but it hasn't hit us yet because he still lives in our hearts strong. His children and mom reliving childhood years as they laugh and cry. Remembering is the only way he still lives in our hearts and minds.

So traveling half way around the world and a quarter back doesn't seem rough anymore right?

"This world may have lost a good father but like mythology gods. They end up watching over us from above cloaked into the stars. Some may say that gods hold a certain power to be considered as gods but in the eyes of our children our parents are our gods."

"You will be missed but never forgotten."

MOOD- Anxious, Impatient & Worried
SONG PLAYING-Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood
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Missing you (Poem)


Missing You

Since I was sent out for training,
A lot of crap has been raining.
Confusion in this mess,
Igniting a lot of stress.

Every time the sun comes up,
It seems like everyone doesn't give a fuck.
But when the sun leaves,
And the moon shines down on this beast.

It calms my nerves,
it calms my temper.
A calmness I can't describe in words,
But I always remember.

That you are here with me,
Not in a human form but spiritually.
Nights seem so comfortable thinking of you,
Me missing you is what is pushing me through.

It has been rough,
and it has been tough.
Missing you does not put me down,
Missing you turns my worst days around. 

MOOD- Love, Missing & Poetic
SONG PLAYING-I Won't Let You Go by James Morrison
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An Insert from Marines.mil

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What a bunch of Skaters!


Southern Hills Sports World here in Okinawa, was the first place I have ever Ice Skated in my life. Yes, I know being born in Alaska you would think that I would of done all the things that winter had in store but nope. I have yet to snowboard, ski, snowmobile and dog sled. This day, I can say I have ice skated. Walking into the ice rink, they were not kidding about being bundled up because this place was freezing. We both could see our breaths and everyone was all suited up, keep in mind it was about 70 degrees outside. It was about, 20 degrees. haha! 

 This trip was the main part of my planned date but to tell you the truth, I was kind of nervous. Yes, me being a dude, I played it off like it did not bother me but my chins were telling me different. Haha! They were killing me but I did not budge, Not yet that is. Anyways, we were the only military affiliated folks on the ice but the locals were nice and friendly. They were able to help us take a photo of us (as you can see below). 

Overall, through the pain and chilled air. It was a great day for the both of us. One of many things, I could check off of things still to do. Thanks to my open minded wife, if it was not for her. I wouldn't be open or confident on things. So, one I am happy that we were able to find this place and second I was very happy to have my wife with me. 

Oh and by the way! I did not fall on my ass. So you can say I'm a Pro!

MOOD- Open, Accomplised & Loved
SONG PLAYING-I won't give up by Jason Mraz
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POEM - Oct 26, 2008


I lay here in bed,
Striking pain hitting my head.
Here I am in my underwear,
Wondering if my life will be going anywhere.

I shut my eyes,
Not to let the pain fly by.
But to wonder and think,
Am I just a straight fink?

I lay and gaze through my past life,
Knowing that one day I could of died.
Flying back and right to the future,
I see myself with her.

Her warmth of her arms embrace,
Calmed my heart that was pumping in a crazy pace.
She gently whispered into my ears,
That it is goin to be better later on the years.

I leaned my head back,
Knowing that this is a fact.
I have never been happier then I ever was,
Lighter then the clouds above us.

Flashing through the years,
Slowing down on the great things that appears.
Every place we were at was romantic,
Every time she left on that plane was dramatic.

Still flying into the future,
We were in God's nurture. 
Spending my life with her..julie,
She cleared the dark clouds at my world you see.

Suddenly I stopped, 
Two, an elderly couple walkin by the pond.
A tear drop falls down my eye,
A love that lasted through my life.

Yet, I have been pulled back into reality,
My eyes open I see the top bunk above me.
I turn to see her face on my phone,
Without her I be will alone..

And I dont want that....

oct 26, 2008    316pm
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Climax Coffee


Climax Coffee is the first place on our date to go to. I know throughout our time here, my wife has told and suggested we should go but I was afraid this place was going to cost a arm and a leg. Well, risking it, I decided to make this one of the places we would venture to on our date. We were suppose to be having breakfast but it was lunch time. Anyways, Climax Coffee is also a popular place, just like the well known Starbucks. 

This day I ordered the Giant Chicken Cutlet Curry platter (thinking that being, "giant" wouldn't be as big, since portions in japan is smaller then the states but i guess i was wrong with this platter), Potato Sample Platter which consist of spicy waffle fries, friends and potato balls (just potato rolled up and deep fried).

Overall, the quality of the food is good, portions is enough leaving you full without ordering more. At the same time it is a cafe which they also serve coffee, cappuccino, hot cocoa, muffins and more. This is a nice, calm place and the servers are always on the ready. I would say this is a good place to at least once, maybe more if your a coffee type of person. Unfortunately, we did not order any coffee based beverages but the mango juice is awesome though. Best we ever had, since being on the island. Anyways, this Climax Coffee is located right off the 58 HWY right across Araha Beach next to Sun A's complex.

(Potato Sampler Platter)

(Giant Chicken Cutlet Curry)

MOOD- Loved, Romantic & Venture
SONG PLAYING-Enchanted by Owl City
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Easter Creative Day!

Easter is one of those holiday's that is quickly celebrated or from what it seems. I know from some folks who are not really religious, this day does not seem as exciting as it was growing up. Anyways, this day was planned out by my wife as a date. We ended up dying and decorating eggs and watching 3 other movies. *Hop, The Rise of the Guardians, White Chicks* So far this day went well and it was fun. 

Time for dying eggs and finding many creative ways to decorate them. Well it has been many many years since the last time I have decorated them. I believe it was more in grade school, which was more then 20 years ago. Damn I am freaking old! Anyways, these eggs do not seem like the greatest but they are my first in a long time. More of a working progress. 

 I remember I used to just boil eggs but my wife has shown me a different way of keeping the eggs. Well, instead of boiling the eggs, my wife has taught me to take a nail and hammer. Creating a hole on top and on the bottom. Then on one side, you will blow into one hole and the yolk will go out the other. (As you can see in the photo below)

MOOD-Creative, Artist and Painter
SONG PLAYING-Be My Escape by Relient K
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Biking is one thing great to do. You can either enjoy the scenery and get some much needed exercise. Today my wife and I took our bikes down the sea wall from Sunset Beach all the way down passing Araha Beach and all the way down to the 100 Yen store we usually go to. It is almost parallel to Camp Futenma.

The bike ride consist of strolling down and back is about 6 miles. Throughout the sea wall there are some things you need to be aware about. You will have to weave yourself around the walkers and runners. As well as looking out for fishermen and pet walkers. During this time we the sun was already about to set, so either have a glow strap or a vest. Also have a flashlight attachment on your bike because when the sun goes down. It gets really dark.

Today the weather was a little windy but typical because we were close to the ocean. Yet, the sunsets on this side of Okinawa, so if you are lucky you can find yourself looking at one. Also the waves were choppy and rough. Seeing the waves clash with the sea wall as the splashes hit about 8 feet in the air. So, it may seem bike rides are lame and boring. Well, stop talking and just go out there and see if for yourself. You'll be quite amazed.

But along the way you can also enjoy various graffiti or artwork. Just like this one of Sylvester Stallone right below. So overall biking is a must do but i am not forcing you to go. Just enjoy the fresh oceanaic air and overall nature.

MOOD- Moto, fitness & nature
SONG PLAYING-Drive By by Train
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Things happen for a reason...

Do you remember when you first heard the phrase, "Things happen for a reason?" And we look at them like they were crazy because we were either too young or stubborn to even care. As years, go by and decisions we make, sometimes have the tendency to make the wrong ones. Then the rarity of making the right choices comes along. Then your whole world is flipped, you stress out because you do not know where to start. You do not know where to begin because your too excited about it and you lost your train of focus. 

Overall, I am glad that two choices have finally caught up with me. Recruiting duty is not something I am looking forward to but I have to do what I have to do to pick up. As I was forced to go though the admin process. The first person told me that I could not because I did not have enough time in service but I was still required to finish the process. So then when speaking to the next level up in the process. They told me that I was not able to because I just recently got to the island but they will bring it up. Anyways, a couple of months later (today). I was told that the list came out and my name was on there. So, I had to talk to the jammer to figure things out. Hopefully they could change my class date till later. 

Second thing is that I was finally put on the list to deploy. After 8 freaking years and I was put on the last deployments of this unit. So, I was excited to go and say that I finally went. Anyways, I had 2 other chances of going but I lucked out on the first one and the second time my shop had a lack of responsibilities and forgotten me. 

Well today I have received one of those rare happenings. Already going onto dangerous places on deployment and then receiving something that could potentially boost my promotion but...but.. they may not let me do both. The chances are either taking me going on deployment or giving up my chances for my future in the Marines. 

Things happen for a reason and I believe things are going to smoothly and less stressful. I believe this year will be the milestone of change. So I am glad, my chances are at the front door and it's waiting for me to allow them in and watch the future unfold. Happier and relaxing days are near. 

MOOD-Happy, Kind of Successful & Patient
SONG PLAYING-Billionaire by Travie McCoy Feat. Bruno Mars
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Just some rain drops


Here in Okinawa, when it rains. It really pours and can make it seem like a typhoon is heading our way but typhoon season does not start till June thru November. The rainy season here starts from April - June. It basically makes it seem like, you should get your car ready and prepped before typhoon season. 

When the rain drops starts falling and the wind starts blowing, try to slow down on the roads and break much earlier. The reason is because the roads are made from flattened coral. So it makes the roads slick and breaking difficult. When it does rain all heavier military vehicles cease due to that reason. So drive safe!

MOOD- Soaked, Drenched & Wet
SONG PLAYING-Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head by B.J. Thomas
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