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Going back to the basics

(Tie up your laces and lets get back to the basics)

A lot has changed throughout my time in the Marines. Many junior Marines and newly promoted Corporals never grasp the concept of cutting that connection from their friends and that play time is over. You cannot move forward in this career if you keep that mentality. If you want to succeed you are going to have to make sacrifices, just like the sacrifice you made by joining the Marines. 

During my time through the Marine Corps, I have seen a lot change and new changes. Yes, we are Marines and we do adapt and overcome every obstacle that is in front of us, but there are a lot of things that cannot be changed and yet we are slowly veering away from being Marines. 

I know a lot of Marines are proud because they have served a tour in Iraq or Afghanistan and may have lost close comrades. As for me, I would not know that feeling because I have never been deployed, nor have I lost anyone close. I pretty much missed out on 2 deployments and 1 deployment because they were activated when I have PCS'd. Some say, "I'm a dodger," family says that, "I'm lucky," and I say, "it wasnt my time yet." But I can tell you now though, times are slowing down and the military is slowly pulling back. The Marine Corps' eyes are now focused on garrison productivity and it's units. 

We have recently passed a FASMO inspection and now we are preparing for an inspection lead by a General. So now wrench turning, paper pushing and marching has come into effect. I have spoken to new Marines with no basic mentality of what it is to be a Marine. And some Marines who have been in the platoon for quite some time now are not even back to the basics, their mentality is still deployed. Negative! THINGS WILL HAVE TO CHANGE.

New join Marines come into the fleet and expect to learn from the senior Marines and NCO's but end up not learning anything because we keep veering away from the basic lifestyles of the Marine Corps. Like having respect for the senior Marines. Going to parade rest when you're being spoken to, or speaking to a Marine that is in a higher grade, even marching from here and there as we switch Marines to control the formation. It can help improve them and set them up for promotion.

As simple as a "Good Morning Sergeant" or "Aye Aye Corporal" can get us back to the basics. I hate the fact that we are not exercising that and leading the junior Marines to failure. We have lost our ways and yes, I can agree that I fail some days but I do come back with the correct way and put them back on track. We need to stop acting like kids in a playground, treat them like how you want to be treated and correct Marines when a correction is needed. 

From what I think, Marines are afraid to correct their own. Why? Because their own are their friends. I know I may sound like a tool but in order for the Marines to effectively complete "The Mission" and win battles with less casualties, Marines have to learn and show obedience to their chain of command and in return their chain will set them up for success. 

All I am saying is that we all need to be slapped into realty and figure out what we can do to better ourselves and lead our Marines for success. Lets get back to the basics and the routine of a Garrison Marine. 

(Even as simple as completing clean up)

"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong." - President Abraham Lincoln

"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." -  President Theodore Roosevelt

(Lets not let the Backbone grow weak)

MOOD- Motivated, Dedicated and Oorah!
SONG PLAYING-The Marines' Hymn by United States Marine Corps


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