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Trying to better myself

(Araha Beach, Okinawa, Japan)

Throughout human civilizations, humans have always tried to better themselves but in different ways. Some improved and become tyrants, kings, explorers, presidents and heroes. As for me, I try to find a way to mentally and physically be better then who I was yesterday. 

Throughout the years of growing up, I have been through a lot more then the kids of today. Spanking was a way of discipline and keeping order in your home. So I was glad that I was able to go through that era. Anyways, what I have learned in high school is that popularity can only go so far, because once you graduate. All that popularity has no more hype. 

I know I have struggled many times in after graduation and trying to make ends meet. When I moved away and I was on my own. I learned that in this world, it's only you that can better yourself. No one else. Also, I have learned that making sacrifices to make things meet can only be the way. But a few year later after this. I have made the biggest sacrifice.

Joining the Marines may have topped it all, this is a place were I can better myself. So throughout my 8 years in the Marines. I have been  experience many things throughout my time and shared some wisdom with the Marines. 

So overall, I am still trying to better myself, which in turn will help me better my relationship. 

MOOD- Thinking, Moody & Seeking Self Improvement. 
SONG PLAYING-Wake up by Story of the Year


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