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Random Blog: "My Car"

This is my random ass blog post about my car. Haha! Well anyways, this is my first manual transmission I bought in December of 2007. I have never driven a manual in my life and the funny story is that when I signed the paperwork and my TC was in the pick up lot. I stalled out while reversing. On top of that, it was 5pm and California traffic has I-5 full. So I was nervous as hell. Anyways, I rolled up to the gate and yup! Stalled again... Well it did not take too long to get used to shifting gears and the clutch.

Well right now, my car is in a Military storage in Seattle, WA. It will be there for the next 3 years, well that is if I get promoted. If not then it will be 4 years. Plus, I have seen the people that work there and it seems like they are having too much fun driving other peoples cars. So I kind of get a little worried about how they will treat my car. Well alright, this is the end of my random ass post.

MOOD-Happy, Skilled & Missed
SONG PLAYING-Racing Aint a ThangE by AZN Pride


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