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The Unnoticeable Sunrises of Okinawa

(9th ESB Equipment Lot)

You may think that the sunrises in Okinawa is the same as the sunsets but really it's different. Sunsets are not as rare as the sunrises. The reason is because Okinawan's are mostly a night society, so sunsets are seen every night. As for the sunrise, it's really rare because all of Okinawan's are still asleep, getting ready for work or on the road heading to work. 

(Morning before the rifle range)

As for me, I get pretty lucky because the sunrises usually happens 10mins before our Morning formation. The other Marines do not see what I see, but these Marines are young and have a different way of thinking.

 (Driving to work HWY 329)

 Can you see the difference between the sunrises and the sunsets of Okinawa? I think the sunrise has a lot more, "awakening," features. If you do not believe me then why don't you roll out of your bed and stick your head out facing to the East and experience it for yourself.

MOOD- Happy, Calm and Loved
SONG PLAYING-Show goes on/Cannon in d (Violin Cover) by Peter Lee Johnson


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