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Back on the road

(HWY 329 to Camp Hansen)

It has been almost a year since my wife and I landed on Okinawa, Japan. So, far it has been a great experience. Since this is my 2nd tour to this good ole island but this time it's a lot better because I get to share it with my wife. Next challenge for our relationship is getting back into the fleet mentality. Prior to Permanent Change of Station (PCS) we were stationed with 6th Engineer Support Battalion in Eugene/Springfield, Oregon. Serving as an active component in a reserve unit. Times there were rough and a lot of struggles and I am glad that place is behind us. 

Being Stationed in 9th Engineer Support Battalion, Camp Hansen, Okinawa would be a wary one.  Just because most of the unit was still deployed in Afghanistan. Knowing their outstanding reputations as the ESB of the year. So, during the 3 months as a Remain Behind Element (RBE), I was just trying to loosen up the rusty areas as a Fleet Marine. Getting back into the routine, it was non stop inventories, correcting the junior Marines and standing at parade rest. Just the daily life as a Fleet Marine. 

Throughout this year, I can say that our road was not always smooth. Yes, there are times where we hit bumps, make U turns or take the wrong roads but at the end we always tend to find a way to get back on track. This is how unique our relationship is and there are none like it. When it's rough, it's rough and when things are smooth, it's the best. 

Overall living in Okinawa has been great. Sharing my wife the places I have been and ate at. While at the same time, she shows me these places she's found and knows that I would like it. 

(Irinoazana, Shuri Castle, Okinawa, Japan)

[Mood : Strong & Focused ] [Song Playing : Both Of US by B.o.B Feat Taylor Swift]


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